Live in the moment!
A short phrase that has a great depth to it. Are you the type of person that keeps track of time or just goes with the flow?
Although I am still young (at least considered to be still young and lively like a child since I am not 18 yet), but the passing time started bothering me. I still remember my first days in primary school and now I am about to start college. How fast did time pass?
'As you grow, you'll understand how time actually flies without you realizing, " says my dad always... It's now that I actually started to understand the hidden message behind his wise words.
I, sometimes, realize that I forgot to live in the present. I am continuously longing for a particular time to come. Holidays being at the top of my list! Who doesn't want holidays to arrive quickly? The only times I get to be myself...the unstressed side of me....
However, my never-ending desire for holidays speed-up the passing time. It's could be due to the fact that I choose to not focus on the present, and just keep counting down the days till the school breaks. Then, I ask myself, "Am I missing something in between?"
Think about the moments you tend to ignore, because you're just too busy counting down the days. Don't you think that we 'forget to live' sometimes? The words seem limited as I try to express my thoughts about it.
Have you ever had this big event coming up (is this even a question?! we all did, right?) and were you like too hyped about it that you just kept thinking and talking about only this event? I hope I make sense here... At the moments, we tend to ignore the present time and the treasures that it has to offer , because we're too focused on the future. And, we simply miss it!
From the moment we're born, the hourglass of our live starts to count down our time on this world. We all limited time... We may all know this, but are we all thoroughly understanding what this means? I am not trying to make you worry about death as this is more about realizing the importance of time.
The time that we've got with people around us and their limited time with us... Why not make the most out of it?
Live in the in the moment! Don't let yourself get carried away in your busy routines! There's always time for everything. I feel that only the people, who can actually manage their time wisely, better known as the endangered species of humanity (because we all procrastinate...), are the ones that live fully and truly.
Take sometime out of your routines. You won't loose much, but you'll gain a lot by appreciating the moment and living in the present... Bill Keane explained it better than I in a simple phrase;
Bill Keane — 'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present'

Value your time people, before it's too late to live in the moment of your desires!