For starters, this isn't a post about the literal meaning of 'prisoner' nor I'm giving advice on how to get into a jail. I'm sure many of you can come up with more creative methods than me for that. However, this is more of a reflection...
A few days ago, I ended up in an LRT with my family, which isn't really a common place for me, and I've noticed the consequences of technology on our lives, maybe for the first time. I'm sure many of us have learnt about it in our classes, but this was like falling back to the reality experience for me; witnessing the reality discussed in our lessons.
There wasn't a single person, literally a single person (apart from us), who wasn't on their phone.
Every one was too busy with whatever fun they were having with their phones. I've noticed the lack of interaction. The train was extremely full...barely got enough oxygen to breathe, but there was a deafening silence.
Then, I've looked back at myself and realised that I wasn't very different.
What's the first thing I do when I wake up or before I sleep? I check my phone... What about you?
This expensive gadget that we all dreamed to have one a few years ago is ruling us. Although you may argue that we've got the power to press down on the 'power off' button, but this doesn't change the fact that we spent hours and hours living in our virtual reality.
Imagine if the power was down for a few hours, the life would literally stop as people will go crazy from their thirst to use their least I would and I actually have.
I'm not an anti-technology supporter, but as I start to realize the beauties that we ignore and the life that we miss, I just wonder if we are becoming the real prisoners of our creations, our so called artificial intelligence.
I think that this is an open prison and we are fooled to believe that we're still free. But, are we actually free?
