"Your examination is ended!" the line that I've been dreaming since the past three months. Officially, I am done with school, here in Malaysia and the next stop is Mostar!
There is nothing left to hold me back from continuing to live my "life" once again!
Whilst I continue to get hyped up about UWC, there have been some changes in my life. When I say changes, I am totally not talking about watching every single video about UWC Mostar on YouTube, re-reading the handbook, visiting the blogs of my seniors and even watching vlogs of students from other UWCs ...basically anything that can give me a glimpse of my future, actually near future, because it's in THREE MONTHS!
I admit that I'm totally overwhelmed with UWC Mostar. One line can literally describe my current situation, "My soul is already there, it's just my physical body that is waiting to arrive in Mostar"
Some great news! I wasn't expecting this, but I found myself in a WhatsApp group with my co-years. I can't tell how much it meant to me to know them before arriving in Mostar. This means that I will not be wandering around awkwardly on the first day and be feeling totally lost. I've been honestly dreading the first day, just because of this.
But hey, now all my fears have faded and I am looking forward to seeing my friends in real life. Thinking about it... it will still be little awkward :) I may just find myself jumping around with excitement like a little girl and run into Arianna and Irene, who are two of my good friends that I just met. Actually, there are like sisters already!
Now, it's the waiting the time. Three months...90 days...2160 hours...
Oh god! That's a long time. Thinking about it makes it worse, so I am just going to 'live in the moment' and cherish my last moments with my friends in Malaysia and with my family. Although getting separated from my friends and especially, my family is heart-breaking, I am just trying to ignore this unpleasant fact with my excitement for Mostar!
I can officially say, 'I AM COMING FOR YOU MOSTAR!"
