The most exciting, dramatic and memorable years of our lives are packed within the two words, high school...
I still remember the first day I walked into the class. All the strange faces were examining me, the new girl. I was innocent and unaware of what was waiting for me in the coming years. Some of these people were going to be the reason behind my cries, whilst some would lift me up when I'm down and help me put up a smile. And, I didn't know anything about it. Entering the adventure with my eyes blindfolded. Maybe, that's what made it exciting...
In high school, your life can never be monotonous...even for the most isolated kid in the class. You may not know their stories, but everyone experiences their own and continuous fluctuations. High school is like an accelerated life course, where you go through everything extensively and intensely.
Maybe for the first time, you realize where your heart is when it starts to beat uncontrollably as your crush passes by the hallway...when he looks at your direction with a smile ...and when you have your first kiss...
For the first time, you suffer through bigger problems than not getting that new toy or your mom not letting you got to the playground. You feel the pain of getting backstabbed by a close friend and become the victim of rapidly spreading rumors. You feel lonely at times and then you feel grateful for the people staying by your side on this rocky pathway.
For the first time, you actually lose control with your friends. You find yourself laughing at idiotic jokes...staying up till God knows what time to talk about things that you most likely won't even care about the next day... and doing crazy stuff that you wouldn't imagine yourself doing. Maybe these are the things that actually make high school special.
When talking about high school, we can't end without touching on the boring part...the actual shit that makes it know what I'm talking about right?
The assignments...projects...homework...exams...Well, I guess we all approach this part of high school in a distinctive manner. Some take it really seriously, stressing over the deadlines, and give in everything they've got, whilst some just do it for the sake of passing the class, starting the work at the very last minute and staying up till morning. Then, there's the common group, which lies between the two.
I was one of those people, who took my shit really seriously... But I can proudly say that I've never stayed up for the sake of finishing my work except for one night...the night before the submission of my personal project. The very first night that I didn't even close my eyes for a minute. Don't ask about the experience, because it was really terrible.
If I was to go back in time, I would want to take things with ease, because people started to think that I spent hours studying at home, when most of the time I was just indulging in binge-watching. No one can stop the rumors in high school, so I just let it pass and move on.
Yes! I actually learned to MOVE ON in high school, because drama happens all the time. Why bother getting caught up in it when you could just let it pass and move on.
Now, it's an unexplainable feeling to know that I'm about to walk out of the door that I once entered as an innocent girl and seal my memories of high school. I'm still the same me... A little taller, fatter, more sinful and dumber. I've grown not only physically, but also mentally. I don't look at life from the same window anymore. The bubble of childhood is popped, the glamorous colors have faded and the innocence has gone extinct. But, life is still good and worth living even though entering into adulthood gives me chills at times...
Here comes the short speech you would expect to read after all this high school blabbering...
Just like everyone, who's reading this right now, I had amazing times and terrible nightmares in high school. I've felt how it's like to be on the top of the world and also what actually is heart pain... As I walked down my path, I've met new people and lost some friends. Some stayed with me until the end, whilst some chose to separate their paths from mine. I had nights that I couldn't sleep from the excitement of the next day, whilst I also had nights that I forced myself to sleep as I cried.
It’s not the place that makes the experience different, it’s the people that you go through the experience with. And, I'm glad that I shared my high school experience with you. If I was to start all over again, I would still make the same decisions in my friendships...maybe I would not repeat my unforgivable mistakes...Whether you brought me happiness or sadness, I'm very glad that I met you.
I keep telling everyone that one line continuously, "Don't forget me!". Because I can promise you that I won't forget you even if you just had a minor part in my life. I want to keep living in your memories with the hope to bring a smile whenever you remember me.
Thank you for the great memories.
Thank you for your friendship.
Thank you for becoming a part of my life.
You can't start a new chapter without ending the previous one. High school, I think I have come to the end of your chapter. It was great to live in your lines and turn your pages into new adventures. But, it's time to say Goodbye!
Am I ready to start my new chapter? I don't think so...